Tuesday, April 21, 2015


The Mayans were  polytheistic, which means to believe in more than one god. The Mayans worshiped many gods such as the gods of sun,rain, and corn or harvest. They worshiped the gods of nature hoping that they would spare them from natures harsh climate. They based their religion off of  astronomy,astrology, and practiced  rituals with human sacrifices to please the gods. Some of the people who practice this religion are still alive today, but  it has changed greatly over time. The religion has mixed with Roman Catholicism during the time when Christianity spread to the Americas. People are still puzzled by the ancient religion today.
Ah Puch- the god of death
Chac- the god of agriculture
Kinich Ahau- god of the sun
Kukulcan associated with several elements, and is teacher of civilization;good and evil
Ix Chel- rainbow, Earth, and moon goddess
Ixtab- goddess of suicide and hanged people
-These several examples of  some of the Mayan gos and goddess.

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