Tuesday, April 21, 2015


The Mayans were  polytheistic, which means to believe in more than one god. The Mayans worshiped many gods such as the gods of sun,rain, and corn or harvest. They worshiped the gods of nature hoping that they would spare them from natures harsh climate. They based their religion off of  astronomy,astrology, and practiced  rituals with human sacrifices to please the gods. Some of the people who practice this religion are still alive today, but  it has changed greatly over time. The religion has mixed with Roman Catholicism during the time when Christianity spread to the Americas. People are still puzzled by the ancient religion today.
Ah Puch- the god of death
Chac- the god of agriculture
Kinich Ahau- god of the sun
Kukulcan associated with several elements, and is teacher of civilization;good and evil
Ix Chel- rainbow, Earth, and moon goddess
Ixtab- goddess of suicide and hanged people
-These several examples of  some of the Mayan gos and goddess.


 We found an ancient Mayan game known as "Majong" witch is a matching game of meory and skill.
*Hint:try to get tiles that are on top of each other*


Monday, April 20, 2015

Mayan Inventions

Mayan Inventions
 *The Mayans are famous for making calendars. they created an accurate calendar with limited technology.*

Suspension Bridges
The ancient Mayans invented the suspension bridge to hold strong for a long period of time. Suspension Bridges are bridges that use towers and ropes for instance to hoist the bridge up. This  way of transportation was used to cross cliffs, rivers, and valleys, etc.

 The Mayans invented a game that is somewhat like basketball.In basketball you have to throw a ball through a hoop. In this game you have to hit a ball through a small hoop without using hands or feet. The goal was to keep it moving as long as possible and try to make the shot.

Hoe-Used for farming when etching fields
Chisels-Used to cut and etch into 
Axes-one or two sided blades that are used ind battle as if a hammer

Thursday, April 16, 2015


*Cities,Sites,and Temples*
1.Chiche'n Itza- the famous "Pyramid of the Sun"
2.Palenque-Palace by the Ciapas highlands
3.Yaxchilia'n- lowland valley city
4. Bonampak- lowland valley city
5.Lagartero- lowland valley city
6.Lazapa- lowland valley city
7.Kaminaljuyu'-lowland city on plains
8.Piedras Negras-lowland city on the bank of the Usamacinta river
9.Tikal- lowland valley city
10.Uaxactum- lowland valley city
11.Copan- One of the original settlements; known as one of the largest Mayan cities
12.Cuello- Original Mayan settlement dating back to 2500 B.C.
13.Tulu'm- A fortress and port city;the center of trade in Maya
14.Coba- A hidden city most famous for the story of "The Missing King"
15,16- regular trade cities

Tuesday, April 14, 2015


    The Mayans have a lot of inventions and agriculture that drove them to a mighty empire. This empire had a mysterious disapearance that still puzzles scholars and historians to this day. They had excisted for many hundred years even before christ. They had built massive structures that were remarkable for the time period. Some of this info is told in this short video we found:

*I will have more posts coming soon

Monday, April 13, 2015

The Mayans-Intro

The Mayans

                    We(Sean and Reggie) are doing an entire blog based on the Mayan Empire. You might wonder who they are, we are here to inform you.You will learn about geography, religion, agriculture, and inventions. There is even a game you can play for fun. Enjoy!